The last few weeks have been full of choices. I had to make a decision about practically every item in my house (store it, leave it for the tenants, sell it, donate it or pack it in the suitcase!)
If you've had a conversation with me in the last month, you know that packing a suitcase for 10 months is a bit intimidating, particularly for the type of journey we're doing that includes 2 weeks traveling by car, a cottage visit, hotels, flights, 18 day cruise (requires formal attire!) and then a camping trip in New Zealand. It's going to be about 2 -3 months before we have a rental unit to call "home". Until then, we'll be living out of suitcases. Ladies, if you're wondering, here are the shoes that made the cut and fit in my suitcase . . .
Lots of changes (job, house, school), but so far the boys are coping well. It will be quite a while before they have separate rooms again (maybe even until we return home next year), but after 4 sleeps at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Laura's, they seem to have mastered sleeping in the same bed.
Thank you for all of the well wishes for our adventures! Sorry if we missed seeing you over the summer! We leave mid morning tomorrow . . . and so the journey begins (at least for the kids who haven't spent a year planning this!), tears and excitement all mixed up together.