Canadian road signs
Hawaii - coconuts may chase you and fall at 45 degree angles - RUN!
You know you've arrived in an underdeveloped country when you are greeted with this sign: Welcome to Lifou
Sydney, Australia - beware!
New Zealand - yes, there are hills, steep hills and other inherent dangers to the local area.
Yes, our cows are literate - are yours?
One lane bridge (opposing traffic has the right of way) - there are many of these signs!
Important info for joggers, please make a mental note.
Definitely need to find a different route to the beach.
Don't try and fish for the eels, they are protected.
Do not jump
Yes, they consider ducks to be WILDLIFE!
This sign explains how to view marine mammals at sea (ie whales, dolphins and seals) and specifically states "Do not swim with whales".
Kiwis are apparently not familiar enough with the traditional railroad crossing signs, so they add a little picture of a train just to make sure. One sign even said "Give way to trains". Go figure!
Found this lovely homemade sign at the giant potato sack slide. (cringe)
Somewhat obvious, don't you think?
Ha, ha, best dry cleaning ad EVER!
At Cathedral Cove, close up of sign below, rocks may dislodge and land on you. Beware
"Merge like a ZIP" - we invented it, but they coined the phrase.
Yes, there are enough tourists here in NZ that they put "Keep Left" signs in LOTS of places. They are also pretty up front with their safe driving messages.
On top of the ski field volcano, there may be a cliff around here somewhere . . .
Rental camper van below can have unique sayings; some of them I can't even put on the blog.
Gotta love NZ roads.
Spotted at the entrance to a parking lot at a recreational park, pretty blunt.
In Canada, this whole glacier walkway would likely be fenced to keep people on the path. Here in NZ, they just put up signs and expect people to have the self discipline to stay safe, risky eh?
But they are not without their sense of humour too!
Well, you've made it to the end of my sign collection, so here's my absolute favourite: this caused a bit of a stir as we were taking the boys to a swimming hole in the river . . .