After this part of the run, Jackson was a bit tired of paddling and actually went right to the front of the boat and knelt down in the centre to make sure he got wet! Xavier didn't want to try being a human "windshield" and stayed back near Daddy.
Both boys got a bit cold near the end of the one hour trip down the river, despite their wetsuits, boots and jackets, but fun was had by all. And we had amazing views of the mountains all around us the whole time.
Mount Robson! Highest peak in the Rockies. Nope, didn't climb it, but they boys "conquered" it in their own little way.
My little bear cubs . . . honestly, they can hardly keep their paws off each other. We've certainly signed up for a year of adventure, 24/7 with these 2 soon-to-be-kiwis in tow.
By the look on Dave's face while rafting I think he has found pure JOY.. In God's creation, with his family in a rubber boat with a sense of adventure. That is joy, right Dave? Blessings everyone as you journey. Praying for you all. Pastor Karen