YES! We saw Blanche Neige (Snow White) the humpback whale cruising in the St. Lawrence River! Here's the tail (fluke) shot! It was really fun to show the boys. We were on a double decker cruising vessel, not the zodiacs, but we got pretty close anyways. Mind you, it's a one-hour cruise out to the whale feeding sites, half hour putter around for viewing and then another hour back again, but we also got to see 2 fin whales in the distance spouting and a small pod of beluga whales (12 or so) which was amazing! I was on the upper deck and the boys were with Dave down below falling asleep, so Xavier missed the belugas! And Dave had the camera ... Oh, well, the scenery was lovely, but it was very breezy and cold on the water.
Here's Snow White spouting for us, so cooool!
We stayed at a very lovely KOA outside of Quebec City, that had granite and marble countertops in the camper's bathroom. Seriously glam, it's ranked one of the highest in Canada. The fixtures were nicer than in our house. Alas, we were tired of camping by then, so no photos!
We arrived in Quebec City in the morning near the Citadelle for a walk around. Almost immediately we spotted this little creature. Is it a ground hog? Someone help me out ...
As you'll surely notice, our dear Jackson was in no mood for a 2 hour walkabout the old Ville de Quebec.
This is what I want them to remember! The Chateau Frontenac, the Promenade, the River
the canons ...
the wall ...
the murals and cobblestone streets, the old architecture ....
the signing of the Quebec Conference on the road to the beginning of Canada ....
the artists' galleries up and down the alleyways and the horse drawn carriage ...
but I'm not delusional. The ice cream is probably all that they will remember!! LOL Finally a smile!
Another compromise: playing at the playground while I have a last look at the walled city before clocking another 4 hours on the way to Ottawa and a quick overnight visit with the cousins!
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